Okahina Wave is finalist for Blue Ocean Awards 2016

Blue Ocean Awards” is an évent created by HEC and AXESSIO in 2014. It aims at discovering and rewarding of French SMEs which managed to create by their innovative offers a new Blue Ocean market.

The third edition, co-organized with

The third edition, co-organized with DGE and sponsored among others by INSEAD, MEDEF, BPI, INPI, FRENCHTECH, ONERA, CAP DIGITAL…, will take place on November 30th 2016, to the Ministry of the Economy and Finances, in the presence of Axelle LEMAIRE, Secretary of State in charge of the Digital Technology and the Innovation.

More than 300 projects were sent to the organizers. Meeting on next November 30th to know the deliberations of the jury.

Illustration Okahina Wave : DEIS

www.siouxe.fr – www.ytong.fr – www.uwl-surfboards.com – www.nge.fr – www.audavia-formation.fr – www.malvaux.com – www.sailonet.com